Staff Bio

Michael Haught (Licensed Irrigator LI0023236)

Michael’s journey following his graduation from Texas Tech University in 2008 has been one marked by continuous growth and dedication to his craft. Armed with the knowledge and skills acquired during his academic years, Michael embarked on a journey of self-improvement, tirelessly honing his abilities in the field.

In 2017, an exciting opportunity arose for Michael to apply his expertise in a new capacity when he joined Tucker and Associates. His vision for excellence and his commitment to delivering top-notch service quickly became evident, setting a new standard of quality within the company.

What truly sets Michael apart, however, is not just his technical proficiency, but his unwavering dedication, drive, and integrity. These qualities form the bedrock of his character, shaping every interaction and decision he makes. Whether he’s troubleshooting a complex issue or collaborating with colleagues, Michael’s steadfast commitment to excellence shines through, earning him the respect and admiration of his peers.

Within the dynamic environment of Tucker and Associates, Michael’s contributions have proven invaluable. His proactive approach to problem-solving and his willingness to go above and beyond the call of duty have not only elevated the performance of the sprinkler repair division but have also inspired those around him to strive for greatness.

Michael’s journey serves as a testament to the power of passion, perseverance, and integrity in achieving success. As an integral member of the team at Tucker and Associates, his impact extends far beyond his technical expertise, leaving an indelible mark on the company and those fortunate enough to work alongside him.

Michael Haught (Licensed Irrigator LI0023236)

Michael’s journey following his graduation from Texas Tech University in 2008 has been one marked by continuous growth and dedication to his craft. Armed with the knowledge and skills acquired during his academic years, Michael embarked ...

Dick Tucker - Tucker and Associates

Dick Tucker (Owner / GM)

In 1974 Dick resigned from a marketing position with IBM, borrowed Uncle Jimmy’s truck, and teamed up with SFA fraternity brother, Klip Morefield, to start Sun Valley Landscape, Inc. (SVL) in Houston. While Dick’s knowledge was limited i...

Leobardo - Tucker and Associates

Leobardo Martinez (Crew Leader)

Leobardo joined the Tucker and Associates staff in 2006. After serving as a supervisor for a large East Texas irrigation company. His infectious work ethic and positive attitude is unparalleled in our industry. Leobardo’s...

Experience and Expertise in EVERYTHING we do